refer to 國立臺灣大學人員職稱類中英雙語詞彙
校長 President
副校長 Vice President
教務長 Dean of Academic Affairs
學務長 Dean of Student Affairs
總務長 Dean of General Affairs
院長 Dean
副院長 Deputy Dean/Associate Dean
主任委員 Commissioner
館長(圖書館) Curator
主任 Director
主任秘書 Secretary-General
所長 Director
系主任 Chairperson/Chairman
科主任 Section Head
館長(農業陳列館) Director
主任(動物醫院) Director
院長(動物醫院) Superintendent
處長(實驗林) Manager
場長(山地農場、農試場) Manager
副處長(實驗林) Associate Manager
副場長(山地農場、農試場) Associate Manager
副主任 Associate Chairperson/Associate Director
會計主任 Comptroller
會計主任(農學院附設機構) Chief Accounting Officer
組長 Section Chief
組主任 Section Chief
股長 Subsection Chief
名譽教授 Professor Emeritus
教授 Professor
副教授 Associate Professor
助理教授 Assistant Professor
講師 Instructor
助教 Teaching Assistant
兼任教授 Adjunct Professor
兼任副教授 Adjunct Associate Professor
兼任助理教授 Adjunct Assistant Professor
兼任講師 Adjunct Instructor
客座講座教授 Visiting Chair Professor
客座教授 Visiting Professor
客座副教授 Visiting Associate Professor
客座助理教授 Visiting Assistant Professor
客座講師 Visiting Instructor
客座專家 Visiting Specialist
臨床教授 Clinical Professor
臨床副教授 Clinical Associate Professor
臨床助理教授 Clinical Assistant Professor
臨床講師 Clinical Instructor
教授級專業技術人員 Professor Rank Technical Expert
副教授級專業技術人員 Associate Professor Rank Technical Expert
助理教授級專業技術人員 Assistant Professor Rank Technical Expert
講師級專業技術人員 Instructor Rank Technical Expert
專案計畫講座教授 Project-Appointed Chair Professor
專案計畫教授 Project-Appointed Professor
專案計畫副教授 Project-Appointed Associate Professor
專案計畫助理教授 Project-Appointed Assistant Professor
專案計畫講師 Project-Appointed Instructor
研究員 Research Fellow
副研究員 Associate Research Fellow
助理研究員 Assistant Research Fellow
研究助理 Research Assistant
特約研究員 Contract Research Fellow
特約副研究員 Contract Associate Research Fellow
客座研究員 Visiting Research Fellow
客座副研究員 Visiting Associate Research Fellow
客座助理研究員 Visiting Assistant Research Fellow
客座研究助理 Visiting Research Assistant
專案計畫研究員 Project-Appointed Research Fellow
專案計畫副研究員 Project-Appointed Associate Research Fellow
專案計畫助理研究員 Project-Appointed Assistant Research Fellow
專案計畫研究助理 Project-Appointed Research Assistant
專案計畫博士後研究 Project-Appointed Post-Doctoral Fellow
台大講座 NTU Distinguished Professor
特聘研究講座 Distinguished Research Chair Professor
研究講座 Research Chair Professor
特聘講座 Distinguished Chair Professor
特約講座 Distinguished Research Chair Professor
研究客座講座 Visiting Research Professor
兼任專技教師 Adjunct Professional Expert
英文祕書 English Secretary
特別助理 Special Assistant
委員 Member of ___ Committee
總教官 Chief Military Instructor
軍訓主任教官 Military Training Director
軍訓教官 Military Training Instructor
秘書 Secretary
專門委員 Senior Administrative Officer
編纂 Senior Administrative Officer
編審 Administrative Assistant
專員 Administrative Assistant
訓導員(輔導員) Administrative Assistant
組員 Senior Clerk
辦事員 Clerk
書記 Associate Clerk
人事管理員 Personnel Staff
兼辦人事 Joint-Appointment Personnel Staff
會計員 Accounting Staff
兼辦會計 Joint-Appointment Accountant
約聘人員 Contract Staff
約僱人員 Contract Staff
技正 Technical Specialist
技士 Senior Technician
技佐 Technician
醫師 Doctor
藥師 Pharmacist
護士長 Head Nurse
護理長 Head Nurse
護理師 Senior Nurse
護士 Nurse
營養師 Nutritionist
社會工作員 Social Worker
主治獸醫師 Chief Veterinarian
獸醫師 Veterinarian
程式設計師 Systems Designer
資料管理師 Data Manager
助理程式設計師 Assistant Systems Designer
程式設計員 Junior Systems Designer / Programmer
資料管理員 Junior Data Manager
一等貴儀技術師 Precision Instrument Specialist I
二等貴儀技術師 Precision Instrument Specialist II
三等貴儀技術師 Precision Instrument Specialist III
四等貴儀技術師 Precision Instrument Specialist IV
駐警隊長 Campus Security Supervisor
駐警副隊長 Campus Security Assistant Supervisor
駐警小隊長 Campus Security Officer
駐警隊員 Campus Security Guard
技工 Technical Worker
首長座車駕駛 Chauffeur
駕駛 Driver
工友 Messenger(送公文) Custodian(其他)
工讀生 Student Worker
執行長 Executive Director
副組長 Contract Associate Section Chief
管理師 Contract Manager
工程師 Contract Engineer
規劃師 Contract Planner
研究員 Contract Researcher
秘書 Contract Secretary
約聘幹事 Contract Senior Clerk
約僱佐理員 Contract Clerk
職務代理人 Deputy
船務監督 Ship Affairs Superintendent
船務助理 Ship Affairs Assistant
2011年5月31日 星期二
2011年3月24日 星期四
I thought 我很帥!(以為)
thought = 除了是 think 的過去式, 也可以是「以為」
think = 想 / 覺得
- I think it is a good idea.
- I thought it was a good idea.
[我以為這是個不錯的建議 (結果不是)]
- I think he is at home.
- I thought he was at home.
[我以為他在家 (結果不是)]
* thought 就是你曾經有那個想法 [過去式], 結果 [現在式] 卻跟你想像中不一樣 (被事實否定了)
refer to
think = 想 / 覺得
- I think it is a good idea.
- I thought it was a good idea.
[我以為這是個不錯的建議 (結果不是)]
- I think he is at home.
- I thought he was at home.
[我以為他在家 (結果不是)]
* thought 就是你曾經有那個想法 [過去式], 結果 [現在式] 卻跟你想像中不一樣 (被事實否定了)
refer to
2011年2月22日 星期二
[論文] 論文常用的字詞
Vt. 及物動詞
Vi. 不及物動詞
1. Alignment(n.) 調準, 組合
2. Available(a.) 可用的 available algorithm
3. Coincide(vi.) 同時發生, 相符 A coincide with B
4. Conventionally(ad.) 依照慣例
5. Composed of 由…組成
6. Criterion (n.)標準, 尺度
7. Crucial 重要的 Crucial work
8. Deal with 應付
9. Depict 描繪
A. Figure 4 depicts…
B. As depicted in Figure 6,where the….
10. Distinction(n.) 不同點
11. Distinction between區分成 distinction between two principal types of mesh
12. Emphasize (vt.) 強調, 著重
13. Essentially (ad.) 本來, 實質上
14. Gradually(ad.) 逐步地, 漸漸地
15. Hereafter(ad.) 此後
16. Identical(a.) 同一的 , ex. identical shapes(同一個外型)
17. Individual(n. a.) 個體, 個別 individual fractured bone
18. Inconvenient(a.) 不方便
19. Individually(ad.) 作為個人, 單獨地; 逐個地; 分別地
20. Ingredient(n.) 構成要素, 組成 , ex. Key ingredient in many geometric field
21. Intervals(n.) 間隔, 距離
22. Intensity(n.) 強度 Noise intensity
23. Make up 構成 which is made up of three sections
24. Manipulate(v.) (熟練地)操作, 運用
25. Manipulation(n.) 操作
26. Mainly(ad.) 主要地, 大部分地
27. Orientation(n.) 方向
28. Placement(n.) 佈置, 配置
29. Relevance關聯; 適宜; 中肯
30. Simultaneously(ad.) 同時地
31. Symmetrical(a.) 對稱的
32. Unavoidable(a.) 無可避免的 It is unavoidable that …
33. Various (a.) 不同的 There are various segmentation objectives
1. Compartment(vt. n.)劃分, 分隔
2. Cortical(a.) 皮質的 cortical bone
3. Clinical (a.) 臨床的clinical results
4. Fracture(n. vt. vi.) 破裂, 斷裂, 骨折
5. Fragment(n. vt. vi.) 碎片
6. Osteoarthritis(n.) 骨關節炎
7. Osteotomy(n.) 切骨手術
8. Varus(n. a.) 內翻足(的); 弓形腿(的); 內翻(的)
9. high tibial osteotomy高位脛骨截骨術
[生活]hand out, handout, hang out
hand out
1、Please hand out these papers. 請把這些考卷發下去。
2、Hand in your papers if you are done. 如果寫好了就把考卷交上來。
handout (n) (上課用的一張)講義
Who doesn't get the handout? 誰沒有拿到講義?
hang out
(1) 鬼混度時間 What are you doing? 你在幹嘛? Nothing. Just hanging out. 沒事,閒閒沒事。
(2) 和朋友一起玩樂 I like to hang out with my friends. 我喜歡和朋友一起玩。
refer to
1、Please hand out these papers. 請把這些考卷發下去。
2、Hand in your papers if you are done. 如果寫好了就把考卷交上來。
handout (n) (上課用的一張)講義
Who doesn't get the handout? 誰沒有拿到講義?
hang out
(1) 鬼混度時間 What are you doing? 你在幹嘛? Nothing. Just hanging out. 沒事,閒閒沒事。
(2) 和朋友一起玩樂 I like to hang out with my friends. 我喜歡和朋友一起玩。
refer to
2011年2月15日 星期二
附件都會寫成 attachment 或是 attached files.
1. Please find and check attached files.
2. Please see the instruction as enclose doc.
3. Please see attached file as our for your reference.
4. Attached our XXXX for your reference.
5. The attahcement as our XXXX for your record.
6. Hereby attachment as our XXXX for your first consideration.
7. Herewith our XXX for your best choice.
8. Enclosed our XXX for your reference.
9. Please kindly see the attachment.
10. Please kindly see the attached files.
1. Please find and check attached files.
2. Please see the instruction as enclose doc.
3. Please see attached file as our for your reference.
4. Attached our XXXX for your reference.
5. The attahcement as our XXXX for your record.
6. Hereby attachment as our XXXX for your first consideration.
7. Herewith our XXX for your best choice.
8. Enclosed our XXX for your reference.
9. Please kindly see the attachment.
10. Please kindly see the attached files.
Sincerely yours,
Yours truly,
Best regards,
Very truly yours,
With regards,
Warm regards,
With Love,
官方的有 (比如說你要像官方機構呈報上文件等)
Respectfully submitted,
Sincerely yours,
Yours truly,
Best regards,
Very truly yours,
With regards,
Warm regards,
With Love,
官方的有 (比如說你要像官方機構呈報上文件等)
Respectfully submitted,
文章 (Atom)